Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Private Jet Irony

February 19, 2009

I recall a few months ago, everybody was all up in arms that the “big 3” took their private jets to D.C. to “ask” for bailout money. And that was really bad PR more than anything, totally their privaledge to do that. Not very good financial decision perhaps, but they aren’t responsible to/for me.

Today my President took Air Force One (not to mention the plane that carries his limo) to Canada.
The most economical version, B747-400 is $6,761 in operating costs per hour. His is a B747-200 and costs $8,424 per hour to run. The difference is that it runs on tax-payer money, not private sector money.  And as Americans he is responsible to/for us. It is just sad to me that we are more concerned, more entrenched in our idiotic wealth envy, by what private businesses do with their money, and we are more anxious to criticize them than we are willing to hold our own government accountable for how they spend and channel our own.

You want to read some modern prophesy? Read Atlas Shrugged. Also read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. It might be hard considering your primary source of reading is Twitter, People Magazine, and video game reviews. Zing!

Better Stimulation

January 28, 2009

I am reffering to the Economic Stimulus Plan. It’s Called a Tax Holiday.

Rather than have a plan to stimulate the economy which includes spending for:

A 6 month Tax Holiday is more practical.

“The government [still] prints $800 billion to replace the lost tax revenue needed for ordinary government expenses while people are spending the money they earned to stimulate our economy. Plan adds $800 billion in additional debt. [Just as it would in the plan as it is now.]”

The differences is that “we the people” would have the control of the way the money is spent.

We need to do this.

Some extra info here.

I am Most Excited about the new Line of Toys

January 22, 2009

gunobama keepitcoolobama



I also think having our first (half)black president is something to be exctied about.

UPDATE: Sorry, the original link deleted their pictures.